About Us
Trogg's Hollow CSA and Market Farm is a family-owned and run microfarm doing biointensive urban farming in Poplar Grove, Illinois. We offer 25 year-round veggie CSA shares to Chicago, the Northwest and Far West suburbs, and Rockford. We also sell seasonal veggies at local farmers markets and at our on-farm stand.
We have been growing veggies our entire lives. In 2010 we expanded our personal growing space, in the city of Elgin, IL, to start producing enough to sell CSA shares to other families. By 2012, we needed more land due to demand for our veggies. We moved to a farm in Poplar Grove, IL and since 2013 have been growing here. We've also welcomed in dairy goats, laying hens, turkeys, ducks and guinea fowl. In 2016 we extended to year round shares with a brand new high tunnel, and added honey bees hives to the farm.
All our growing methods are to organic certification standards, but we take it a step further by applying no chemicals, neither organic nor conventional, except those that Mother Nature drops on our farm. This is the way our grandparents and great grandparents grew veggies, and we continue this time tested method. We do this so that our children, shareholders, or anyone, can walk into our field, pick a veggie and eat it there without worrying what may be on, or in it.
All of our pests are taken care of by hand or by our farm animals. Soil nutrition is built through regenerative agriculture so all animal and vegetable waste is returned to the soil. Further green manure is planted and tilled under as we rotate our vegetables and animals through our 8 acres over an 8 year cycle.
It is our goal to grow good food naturally, and to live and farm as sustainably as possible.