About Us
We sell apples, Indian corn, pumpkins and peaches that are ALL grown on our property. We also make pressed cider with our own press. All apples, Indian corn, and pumpkins are available for retail or pick your own. All apple trees are dwarf to allow very easy access during picking. Three year old children often pick their own special apples and pumpkins without their parents help. Ladders are NOT, repeat NOT needed. We also sell jams, and homemade apple and pumpkin pies, to order. Tours are available for small groups such as 4-H, FFA, scouts, gifted persons,church youth groups and both public & private school groups. Please call if you would like a special tour. During 2008, 8 schools visited our farm. Please make yourself at home in our meadow area/picnic area for lunch and afternoon snacks. Call ahead for use and bring your own blanket or chairs. This area is directly adjacent to the Swatara Creek. There is also a self guided nature tour around our property. Many mothers and children have enjoyed this area for neighborhood gatherings during the week. There is no charge to use the picnic area or the walking trail area. Many persons just want to sit in the picnic area, relax, and eat their apples. Our very friendly beef heifers are a major attraction for children and adults of all ages. I have been growing pumpkins for about 5 years. After this short time I am now getting pumpkins that weigh up to 40 pounds. Parents, grandparents and children like to walk in the pumpkin patch and select their own special pumpkin. A cart is available for ease of transporting your pumpkins. Many persons call and ask if the pumpkins are grown on our property. The answer is yes. There are NO LARGE PILES of pre priced pumpkins grown from another farm or patch. We also have a garden hose and brush so you can wash your own pumpkins on our pumpkin wash stand. All pumpkins are bright orange with dark green handles that are well attached with no fungus.
Our orchard is an agri tourism business. We have about 250 dwarf apple trees, 10 peach trees, approximately 1 acre of pumpkins, 7 acres of crop land and about 4 acres of nature trails and picnic area. The pumpkins weigh between 2 & 40 pounds, cost $2 to $6 each. Pick your own apples, 90 cents per pound. Indian corn is priced according to size. This is my retirement project and I enjoy it greatly.
Professional photographers MUST call in advance for an appointment. There will be a $25 charge per session.